Presidential Office ``fulfills promise to abolish Ministry of Gender Equality and Family even before law revision'' = South Korea
Regarding the vacant position of Minister of Gender Equality and Family, the President's Office said on the 22nd, ``Even before the law is amended, it is necessary for the government to express its firm commitment to fulfilling its commitments,'' according to Yoon Seo-gyul.
It is the president's idea." A high-ranking official from the presidential office said in a phone call with Yonhap News on the same day, ``Abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs was President Yoon's presidential campaign promise.''
. The official explained that two amendments to the Government Organization Act, which include the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, have already been introduced in the National Assembly by the ruling party, including Kwon Seong-dong, a member of the People's Power Council. ,
"Due to opposition from opposition parties, it has not been implemented until now," he said. On the 20th, President Yoon accepted the resignation of Kim Hyeon Soo, Minister of Gender Equality and Family. No successor Minister of Women and Family will be appointed, but a Vice-Minister will be appointed.
The plan is to run the Ministry of Women and Family Affairs on behalf of the government. The official said, ``Preliminary work for the transfer of operations will be carried out without any hindrance under the leadership of Shin Young-suk, vice-minister of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, who is an expert in organizational restructuring.
It's a plan.'' He added, ``In order to smoothly promote the reorganization, we are already considering the idea of appointing personnel from other departments to the office/director's office line for business exchange.''
The official said, ``Starting with the personnel reorganization of the offices and directors, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs plans to maintain supplementary positions at the level necessary for organizational management and continue to promote organizational reorganization.''
He also stated, ``In the next Diet session, we will take measures to revise the Government Organization Act through legal amendments, abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and re-transfer related tasks to each department.''
This is because it is virtually impossible to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Affairs in the current situation where the Democratic Party (opposition) holds a majority of seats.
This is interpreted as an attempt to reshape the composition of the Diet after the general election in September.
2024/02/22 20:59 KST
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