The number of people taking childcare leave decreased last year...The number of people taking shortened working hours during childcare increased by 19% in South Korea
In South Korea, it was found that as the number of children born decreased, the number of people taking childcare leave last year also decreased. On the other hand, the number of employees using shortened working hours while raising children increased by nearly 20%.
According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor on the 25th, 126,800 people took childcare leave last year, a decrease of 5,076 (3.9%) from the previous year.
The Ministry of Employment and Labor's childcare leave statistics target those who received childcare leave pay through employment insurance, and exclude civil servants, teachers, and others who are not covered by employment insurance.
The slight decrease in the number of people taking childcare leave last year was due to the fact that the number of children born last year (January to November) decreased by 8.1% from the previous year, and from January of this year, compensation for taking childcare leave with parents was expanded. and leave envoy
The Ministry of Employment and Labor explained that this is because some people postponed their errands. The Ministry of Employment and Labor explained, ``Considering the scale of the decline in the number of children born, the actual utilization rate of childcare leave is on the rise.''
Of those who took leave last year, 72.0% were women and 28.0% were men. The proportion of men increased rapidly from 8.7% in 2016 to 28.9% in 2022.
, which decreased slightly last year. Looking at children by age, 67.0% of children took time off from work when they were infants under 1 year old, an increase of 2.7 percentage points from the previous year.
For women, this is often used in conjunction with maternity leave, with 77.9% taking leave when their child is under 1 year old. 39 for men
.0% used it when the child was under 1 year old, and 19.2% used it when the child was 6 to 7 years old when entering elementary school. The average duration of use was 8.9 months, 9.5 months for women and 7.5 months for men.
Looking at each month, there were slightly more people taking childcare leave during the start-up period of March and April than in other months. By company size, 55.6% of all employees on leave were from small and medium-sized companies, while 55.6% were from large companies.
It was 44.4%. The ratio of employees affiliated with small and medium-sized enterprises has been steadily increasing from 51.3% in 2019. While the number of employees taking childcare leave has stagnated, the number of employees using shortened working hours during the childcare period is increasing.
The number of users has increased significantly. Last year, 23,188 people used it, an increase of 19.1% from the previous year. The system for shortening working hours during the childcare period is available for workers with children aged 8 years or in the second grade of elementary school.
This system allows employees to reduce their working hours to 15 to 35 hours per week for up to 2 years (including unused leave of absence).
Among those using the system, 64.4% were workers at small and medium-sized enterprises.
The rate of use when children were 0 to 1 year old was 28.6%, and the rate when children were 6 to 7 years old was 26.2%. The average number of working hours reduced was 12.4 hours per week.
In order to spread the culture of child-rearing among parents, the government has extended the period of child-care leave (from 1 year to 1 year and 6 months) and raised the age at which children can use shorter working hours during child-rearing (from 8 to 12 years old).
We are promoting legal reforms to extend the period (up to 2 → 3 years). The Ministry of Employment and Labor said, ``In order to revitalize the work and childcare support system for small and medium-sized enterprises, we will create a work-life balance happiness industrial complex and develop alternative human resources.''
We also plan to strengthen recruitment support and establish a new subsidy for reducing work hours during childcare periods."
2024/02/25 20:49 KST
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