British media: ``Kim Jong-un has a son, but he doesn't show it to the public because he is pale and thin.''
``North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun has a son, but because he is small in stature, he does not show his son to the public.''
The British daily newspaper "Daily Mail" reported on the 23rd (local time) that a person named Choi Yong-soo,
It was reported that a member of the intelligence agency said the following. According to the report, Choi quoted a North Korean source and said, ``My son doesn't have a good-looking physique, which is why Kim is trying to convince the public.''
"I think that's the reason why he doesn't reveal his son to the public." Choi said, ``Unlike his father (Kim Jong Il) and sister, who are plump and well-nourished, my son is pale and thin.''
I heard that he bears no resemblance to his grandfather, President Kim Il-sung," he said. The Daily Mail said, ``It is essential for a North Korean leader to resemble President Kim Il Sung, and Kim also
It appears that he is emulating his grandfather, President Kim Il Sung, in order to strengthen his own legitimacy." He went on to say, ``There may be some chubby North Korean leaders in the future.''
Kim Joo-ae, the daughter of General Secretary Kim, also attracted the attention of the public after her first public appearance at the end of 2022. On the other hand, he said, ``The appearance of my petite son is still unknown,'' and ``Experts...
We believe that Kim's appearance as a child, with his thin build, is similar to that of his son.'' Choi also told the Daily Mail, ``General Secretary Kim has two children born out of wedlock.''
2024/02/26 08:01 KST
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