Chinese media objected to the ``Japan-U.S.-Korea Foreign Ministers Meeting''...``It is inciting conflict within the region.''
The Japan-U.S.-South Korea Foreign Ministers' Meeting was held on the 22nd (local time), reaffirming the will to strengthen cooperation with North Korea and discussing issues such as stability in the Taiwan Strait. cooperation
"Power is inciting conflict within the region," he said. On the 26th, China's state-run English-language newspaper "Global Times" quoted the opinions of experts in China and said, "The so-called military security cooperation between Japan, the United States, and South Korea...
"Any strengthening of military deterrence will accelerate the trend of regional bloc confrontation and create a new Cold War atmosphere within the region."
He continued, ``Intervention between Japan, the United States, and South Korea in the Taiwan issue and the South China Sea issue will lead to conflicts and tensions in the region to some extent.
It will deepen the situation,'' the report said, citing experts.
2024/02/26 16:41 KST
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