Doctor who has not completed military service will join the military in March next year if his resignation letter is accepted - South Korea
In South Korea, many doctors have submitted their resignations and left their workplaces in response to the government's plan to expand the number of medical schools. Under such circumstances, if the resignation is accepted, there will still be no military personnel.
It has been proposed that major doctors who have not fulfilled their duties will be required to enlist in the military next March. On the 26th, South Korean Military Manpower Agency Deputy Spokesperson Woo Tak-gyun responded to a related question at the Ministry of Defense's regular press conference.
``If medical cadets who have not yet completed their military service and are currently training as specialized doctors retire midway through, they will be eligible to join the military the following year,'' and ``The Ministry of Defense's human resource supply and demand plan states that once a year, Enlisted in March
I'm supposed to do it.'' Furthermore, ``Even if you retire midway, you must enlist once a year in March, based on the Ministry of Defense's human resource supply and demand plan, and your role will be classified by the Ministry of Defense in February.''
"Because of the schedule, even if you retire midway through, you are not able to enlist multiple times a year like regular soldiers."
Once you graduate from medical school and obtain a medical license, you may become a public health physician (public health physician) without going through the training process, or you may become a public health physician without going through the training process.
They apply as medical cadets through the process, and after completing the specialist training process, they must fulfill their military service obligations as military medical officers or public health doctors.
Currently, medical majors who are in default of military service and have submitted their resignations and left their workplaces in opposition to the policy to expand the capacity of medical schools are medical cadets.
His military service has been postponed as he falls under the category of supplementary student. Once their resignation letter is accepted and their training process is suspended, they will have to join the military as a public health doctor or other position in time for their upcoming enlistment date.
This is an enforcement order for the Military Service Act, and those who have transferred to the medical cadet program at their own request are prohibited from changing their training institution or major without permission from the Director General of the Military Manpower Agency, or from retiring from the training institution.
This is because the law stipulates that if a person is eligible to join the military, he or she must join the military according to a nearby enlistment date. As a result, once a hospital director accepts his resignation, he must notify the local military manpower agency in charge within 14 days.
He must go through the enlistment process and serve as a medical officer for 38 months. Deputy Spokesman Woo said, ``We will process his resignation normally and notify him of any changes to his former position within two weeks.''
Stated. The government has issued an ``order prohibiting acceptance of collective resignation letters,'' and leaving one's place of employment cannot be considered as a break in training, so even if it does not apply immediately, there is a possibility that the 33-year-old restriction may fall into place.
. In this regard, Deputy Spokesperson Woo said, ``As long as the training is completed by the age of 33, you will continue to be a medical cadet.''
I have to enlist before it's over."
2024/02/27 05:47 KST
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