US State Department: ``US and South Korean foreign ministers will discuss North Korean provocations and Japan-US-South Korea triangular cooperation''
The U.S. State Department announced on the 28th (local time) that the U.S. and South Korean foreign ministers will ``discuss measures to deal with North Korea's acts of obstructing security and ways to cooperate among the three countries.''
A spokesperson for the US State Department said at a regular briefing that day that the meeting between South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, scheduled for this afternoon, was ``a meeting.
``I won't say anything too early because this is before the ``Secret Security Act'' has taken place,'' he said, ``However, the two foreign ministers will likely discuss ways to cooperate on issues of concern in the region, including North Korea's acts of obstructing security.''
He continued, ``Naturally, cooperation between Japan, the United States, and South Korea will also be on the agenda,'' adding, ``Once the talks are over, press materials will be distributed.''
On the other hand, regarding the South Korean government's military support for Ukraine, which is at war with Russia,
"We encourage our allies around the world to increase their security assistance to Ukraine," he said. Foreign Minister Cho, who is visiting the United States, spoke at the White House on the morning of the previous day to discuss Rael, a member of the National Economic Commission.
-Meeted with Chairman Brainerd and discussed plans for economic cooperation between the two countries. Foreign Minister Cho then met with American companies that have expanded into South Korea, including Google and Pfizer, and encouraged them to make active investments.
asked for expansion.
2024/02/29 07:59 KST
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