US and South Korean foreign ministers hold ”first meeting”... ”Cut off North Korea's financial route and strengthen cooperation to promote human rights”
South Korea's new Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol held talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the 28th (local time) and urged cooperation to cut off North Korea's illicit financial channels and promote human rights.
I decided to change it. This afternoon, Foreign Minister Cho held his first U.S.-South Korea foreign ministers' meeting in Washington, DC. The two foreign ministers held a meeting on the 22nd of this month on the occasion of the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (Rio de Janeiro).
They met for the first time at the Japan-U.S.-South Korea Foreign Ministers' Meeting. During the meeting, which lasted more than 60 minutes, the two foreign ministers said, ``Amidst the increasingly sophisticated North Korean nuclear and missile threats, we will respond resolutely to provocations,
"We have decided to continue our efforts to cut off serious financial routes and strengthen cooperation to promote human rights." blood
Foreign Minister Jo made this announcement at a correspondents' meeting. In his opening remarks at the meeting, Foreign Minister Cho said, ``South Korea and the United States agree to condemn North Korea's provocative words and actions, which violate United Nations Security Council resolutions, such as exporting ammunition to Russia.''
``There is no gap in cooperation between the two countries.'' "Strengthening trilateral cooperation between South Korea, the US, and Japan is essential to resolving joint security issues, promoting stability in the Indo-Pacific, and increasing prosperity.
” he emphasized. Meanwhile, Secretary Blinken praised the partnership, saying, ``The partnership between the United States and South Korea has become even stronger across bilateral relations, regional issues, and global issues.''
Secretary Blinken will visit South Korea to attend a ministerial meeting to coordinate the agenda of the Democracy Summit to be held in Seoul, South Korea on the 18th of next month. Also, Joe Ba
US President Iden is also scheduled to attend online.
2024/02/29 16:48 KST
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