Will North Korea become a further threat while the world focuses on two wars?
It has been reported in the United States that North Korea, which has advanced its nuclear missile capabilities, is posing a new threat in a world that is in turmoil due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas.
On the 27th (local time), the American newspaper Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article titled, ``As the world focuses on the conflict, North Korea has become an even bigger threat.''
The report said that Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, has taken advantage of the divided world order to turn North Korea into a threatening nuclear state.
WSJ reports that Kim's situation has rapidly changed since February 2019, when a summit meeting with former US President Trump in Hanoi broke down.
"This is making Kim's next move arousing tension," he said, adding that the US is playing a more long-term, strategic game with its increasingly sophisticated nuclear weapons.
Additionally, North Korea has previously raised its international standing by pledging to suspend its weapons activities, seeking foreign aid and sanctions relief.
However, ``Kim has strayed from this line.'' WSJ says that North Korea's strengthening of ties with Russia is also increasing tensions in the international community.
Pointed out. As North Korea raises its level of threat against South Korea, WSJ reports that there is little chance of North Korea going to full-scale war, but that US and South Korean authorities are threatening drone attacks and naval attacks.
He said he remains concerned about the possibility of a small-scale conflict occurring above.
2024/02/29 17:12 KST
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