The ``Twin Special Prosecutors Act,'' which President Yoon vetoed, is abolished by the South Korean National Assembly.
South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyeol exercised his right to request reconsideration (veto) of the ``Twin Special Prosecutors Act,'' which was re-approved by the National Assembly, but was rejected at the plenary session on the afternoon of the 29th, and was finally scrapped.
The ``Two Special Prosecutors Act'' is an investigation into the suspicion of manipulation of the German Motors stock price in which Kim Kun-hee, the wife of President Yoon, is said to have been involved, and the suspicion of bribery in the Daejo-dong development project ``5 Billion Club.''
This is a bill to introduce a special prosecutor to investigate the matter. As a result of the secret ballot, the ``Kim Geon Hee Special Prosecutor's Law'' was rejected with 171 of the 281 members in attendance voting in favor, 109 voting against it, and one voting to invalidate it. “Oshodo 5 Billion Special Investigation Act”
It was rejected with 177 people in favor and 104 people against. The twin special prosecutors law passed the plenary session on December 28, last year, led by opposition parties such as the Democratic Party, but President Yoon vetoed it on the 5th of last month and
I'm back in parliament. In the run-up to the general election, the ruling and opposition parties continued to wage war over the timing of a re-resolution, and the re-resolution was held 55 days after President Yoon's request for a re-resolution.
In order for the bill that President Yoon vetoed to be passed, a majority of the registered members (currently 297) must attend and vote.
It requires approval from ``two-thirds or more'' of the members. The ruling party, People's Power, which has 113 seats, decided to reject the bill as a "party policy" and then participated in the re-determination, so there was a strong possibility that the bill would be rejected from the beginning.
2024/03/01 07:10 KST
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