South Korea seeks to strengthen cooperation in ”core mineral supply chain” with Japan and Canada
South Korea sought to strengthen supply chain cooperation in the field of core minerals through high-level bilateral meetings with major countries such as Japan and Canada. South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Ministry) held a ``Held in Toronto, Canada'' on the 5th.
On the occasion of the ``Core Mines Security Partnership (MSP)'' forum, we held high-level bilateral meetings with major countries and discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in the core minerals field.''
. According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Yoo Beom-min, Director-General of Natural Resources and Industrial Policy, met with Hiroki Sadamitsu, Director-General of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the day before to discuss ways of cooperation between the two countries in resource fields such as core minerals, oil, and gas.
We discussed the idea. Considering the reality that both countries rely on imports for much of their energy and resources, both sides agreed that ``both countries must cooperate to build a stable energy and resource supply network.''
Recognizing this, we decided to discuss cooperation plans through a variety of opportunities, including MSP and International Energy Agency (IEA) meetings.
Director-General Yu then met with Deborah Yu, Director-General of Canada's Ministry of Natural Resources, and the two countries concluded an agreement.
They discussed follow-on measures for the "MOU (Business Agreement) on cooperation such as core mineral supply networks." Both countries will establish a new working council on core minerals in accordance with the MOU.
Through this, the two countries decided to explore long-term and concrete cooperation plans in the core mineral field. “MSP” will be adopted by the US Department of State in 2022 in order to stabilize and diversify the core mineral supply chain.
A cooperative organization launched under the leadership of China, and was established in response to China's weaponization of resources such as export controls. Currently, Korea, USA, UK, Japan, Canada, Sweden, France, Australia,
Finland, Germany, Norway, Italy, India, and the European Union (EU) have joined, and with the addition of Estonia, the number of member states has increased to 15.
2024/03/06 08:01 KST
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