China: App developer commits suicide 6 years ago... Ex-wife charged with extortion = Chinese report
In Beijing, China, in September 2017, a man who was the developer of the free calling app "WePhone" committed suicide and complained in a suicide note that he had been threatened by his ex-wife.
incident in which he was arrested. On the 7th, the victim's brother announced on his SNS that the victim's ex-wife, Sui, had been charged with extortion.
In the early hours of September 7, 2017, Su Xingmao, the developer of the free calling app "WePhone"
Xiangmao) committed suicide. Mr. Su left a suicide note stating that his ex-wife, Su, was involved in his death.
According to the suicide note, Su and Sui met on March 30, 2017 through an online matchmaking site. On June 7th of the same year, the two
They got married, but divorced about a month later. After the divorce, Mr. Su demanded 10 million formers (approximately 200 million yen) and the transfer of real estate as compensation and threatened Mr. Su.
In his suicide note, Mr. Su wrote, ``We have run out of funds. We are hopeless.'' At that time, ``A certain person's threat was revived.''
"It was one of the factors that led to his death." Later, in 2018, the family filed a civil lawsuit against Sui. The court ordered Sui to pay 6.6 million formers (approximately 135 million dollars) in cash.
The company ordered the company to pay a total of 1,000,000 yen) and cancel ownership of two houses in Hainan province and Beijing city. Mr. Su's older brother, Su Xinglong (Su
According to Mr.
A case will be filed as an incident. On June 9 of the same year, a man named Sui was arrested by Beijing's Haidian district police on suspicion of blackmailing Mr. Su.
2024/03/08 15:33 KST
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