Power of the People: ``Both Lee Jae-myung and Democratic Party representative's ``light talk''...They were triple accused of trying to change the direction of the official recognition issue'' = South Korea
On the 9th, People's Power (ruling party) pointed out to Lee Jae-myung and opposition party representatives, ``The biggest risk to the Democratic Party in the general election is the president's careless talk.''
On this day, Spokesman for People's Power Heo Jun-seok said in a commentary, ``We will redirect the public's attention, which is constantly focused on issues recognized within the Democratic Party, toward our party.''
Lee, who tried to do so, repeatedly spewed out false facts and was charged with three counts." Spokesman Oh said, ``There are many people who liken Lee to King Jeongjo of Joseon and praise him as more handsome than CHAEUNWOO.''
"Since there are only pro-Lee Jae-Myung-type people around who are shouting dirty words, it seems like it's hard for them to face reality." Also, ``An unconfirmed lie spewed out in a hurry is just another lie.
Just give birth to it and direct it to yourself. Representative Lee must take responsibility for the words he so easily spouted to cover up the malfunction of the official recognition system."
Chief spokesperson Park Jeong-ha also commented, ``Representative Lee is being extremely divisive and belittling the people. His expressions are also extremely low-grade.''
Chief Spokesperson Park said, ``This was done in an online community that is oriented towards the opposition camp, in a sense of condescension, for voting for the number 2 vote during the last presidential election.''
(Representative Lee) unconsciously used the phrase ``two votes'' when exchanging greetings with citizens. (This) shows that Representative Lee fully recognizes the people."
2024/03/09 20:54 KST
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