10 medical school students have applied for leave of absence in two days... ``29% of all medical school students have applied for leave of absence'' = South Korea
The number of requests for leave of absence from medical school students who opposed the South Korean government's policy to expand enrollment continues to increase. In the past two days alone, 10 additional medical school students nationwide have submitted notifications for leave of absence, bringing the total number of "valid" leave applications.
A total of 5,445 cases were reported, accounting for 29% of all medical school students. The South Korean Ministry of Education (equivalent to Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) announced on the 10th that a total of 10 valid leave of absence applications were received between the 8th and 9th.
revealed to the person. In the past two days alone, six students from six schools were granted leave of absence. A Ministry of Education official explained, ``Leave of absence from the alliance has never been approved.''
According to the Ministry of Education, a total of 5,445 valid leave of absence applications were submitted from the 20th of last month to the day before. Overall number of students enrolled in medical schools
This is a level of 29% of the 18,793 people. Medical school students from all over the country have designated this day as the day for the Alliance to take a leave of absence and have submitted their applications for leave of absence.
However, the number of medical school students who have actually submitted notifications for leave of absence is even higher. The Ministry of Education will protect the notification of leave of absence.
Applications that do not meet requirements such as the consent of the public are excluded from the tally and published. Additionally, 10 medical universities were confirmed to be refusing classes the day before. Officials from the Ministry of Education said, ``The school in question is
We are making efforts to maintain normal academic affairs, including interviews and explanations."
2024/03/10 18:46 KST
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