≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ “Like a Flower Blooming in the Moon” 6EP9, the long-standing relationship between the two families comes to an end = synopsis/spoilers
*Contains plot summary and spoilers. The Chinese TV series "Like a Flower Blooming in the Moon" 6EP9 depicts the end of the long-standing relationship between the two families.
Shen Shihai realizes that the series of events was the work of someone with malicious intent, but by the time he realizes, the Shen family has gone bankrupt. Zhao Baishi (Chou Baishi)
He told the police that Saiyi hated Shen Sihai and wanted to join forces with Shuei, who was successful in business. When Du Mingli heard this, he was very surprised.
Meanwhile, Shen Xingei, who was wanted as a companion of Sun Yat-sen, arrives at the Wu family's East Temple. As for Shen Xingyang, this event is Zhou Ying's revenge.
Assuming this, he came to ask Shen Sihai to show mercy. However, Zhou Ying refused Shen Xingyan's request. However, when Zhao Baishi came after Shen to arrest Shen, he protected her.
It was. Zhou Ying succeeds in revenge by forcing Qianzhuang and Nisshohe into bankruptcy, but he learns that many peasants have gone bankrupt. Zhou Ying decided to entrust 2 million taels of silver to Nishanghe. More laps
Ying demanded that Shen Sihai reveal the method by which he had captured Wu Wenwen (Goibun) and compensate him for the deposits of ordinary peasants. Shen Sihai agreed to this, and the relationship between the two families ended here.
2024/03/10 20:26 KST
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