Russia detains Korean national on suspicion of spying...first time in history
Russia's TASS news agency reported on the 11th (local time) that a South Korean named Baek was being detained on suspicion of being a spy. Baek was detained by judicial authorities in Vladivostok in Russia's far east earlier this year.
. He was then transferred to Moscow's Leportovo detention center at the end of last month. Baek is suspected of passing sensitive state information to foreign intelligence agencies. This incident has been designated as top secret.
However, the detailed contents have not been disclosed. The court has extended Baek's detention period until June 15. In Russia, if you are found to be involved in espionage, you can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.
A prison sentence will be imposed. This is the first time in history that a Korean national has been detained in Russia on suspicion of being a spy. After Russia's special military operation in February 2022, South Korea joined Western sanctions against Russia.
For this reason, it has been designated as an unfriendly country.
2024/03/12 05:49 KST
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