韓国国家情報院、「アンチドローン」訓練場を “推進”
South Korean National Intelligence Service “promotes” “anti-drone” training range
As the threat posed by drones becomes more serious due to changes in the security environment, the South Korean government has embarked on strengthening its response capabilities, including establishing a national-level "anti-drone training range."
On the 12th, the South Korean National Intelligence Service, together with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Communications (Ministry) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Ministry), held a ``National Anti-Drone Exercise'' to strengthen response capabilities against drone terrorism.
It was announced that they had concluded a business agreement regarding the designation and operation of the venue. This is in addition to the recent widespread use of drones in wars between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the use of unmanned vehicles by North Korea.
This is in light of the growing threat from drones both domestically and internationally, with the threat of terrorist attacks increasing. South Korea currently has an exception under the Radio Law that allows the military to do so only in situations of drone threat.
The situation is such that it is possible to use radio wave blocking equipment for the purpose of terrorist activities and anti-terrorism activities. In this regard, the National Intelligence Service, together with the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Communications and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, is conducting anti-drone training for training and testing purposes.
Sympathizing with the need for field management, we have discussed legal and institutional measures multiple times since last year. First, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Information Communication will, through a resolution of the Proactive Administrative Committee,
It is now possible to conduct training and experiments using radio wave blocking devices on the ground. In addition, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is working to strengthen the country's anti-terrorism capabilities and solve problems related to the industry's development of anti-drone equipment.
Established a Drone Flight Test Center and a Drone Development Test Center with full-scale drone facilities. Furthermore, the National Intelligence Service is introducing and deploying the necessary combat equipment at anti-drone training ranges and
He focused his efforts on planning and creating training programs necessary for anti-terrorism agencies such as the government and police. A National Intelligence Service official said, ``Through the operation of the national anti-drone training range,
We are now able to further strengthen our ability to respond to the threat of terrorist attacks," and said, "We will discover on-the-ground training needs, set up regular forums to evaluate the performance of domestic and international anti-drone equipment, and provide necessary information to both the public and private sectors. proposal
We plan to provide it," he said.
2024/03/12 16:57 KST
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