韓国政府「福島地震後、処理水放出が “再開”」…「現場訪問し安全性を点検する」
South Korean government “resumes” release of treated water after Fukushima earthquake… “Visits site and inspects safety”
On the 15th, the ``release of radioactively treated water'' from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean, which had been suspended due to the earthquake that occurred in Fukushima Prefecture, resumed.
On this day, the Korean State Affairs Coordination Office announced through press reference materials, ``Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd.
It was determined that there were no equipment abnormalities caused by the earthquake that occurred earlier this morning, and the fourth release of contaminated water (radioactively treated water) was resumed at 3:49 p.m..
Continuing, ``The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) conducted an on-site inspection through an inspector at the Fukushima site office and confirmed that ``contaminated water
There has been no impact from this earthquake on equipment related to release.'' In addition, ``The reason why Tokyo Electric Power Company stops releasing water into the ocean in the event of an earthquake with a seismic intensity of lower 5 or higher is that after prevention, the former equipment is
"This is to check," he added. After resuming the release of treated water, the South Korean government plans to monitor the real-time data and continue to inspect safety through visits to the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
It is. On the same day, Park Ku-young, first deputy director of the South Korean State Affairs Coordination Office, said in a press conference at the government building in Seoul, ``(This) earthquake in Japan falls under an ``abnormal situation'' that would require the suspension of contaminated water release.
"The Japanese side suspended the release and immediately informed us of the relevant facts." He continued, ``According to TEPCO, no particular fluctuations have been detected in the monitoring equipment at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
There was no leakage of radioactivity to the outside world,'' and ``Our government also reconfirmed TEPCO's announcement that ``no unusual situation has occurred.''''
Regarding the question regarding “when treated water discharge will resume after the earthquake,” the answer was, “That part is still being considered.
``If it is determined that there is no further impact or danger from this earthquake,'' he said, ``It is expected that the event will resume.''
2024/03/16 16:45 KST
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