Leader of South Korea's ruling party: ``If we lose the general election, the Yun government will be over, and 'North Korean forces' will become the mainstream in this country.''
On the 19th, Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the emergency response committee and general election strategy committee of South Korea's ruling party People's Power, said, ``If we lose this (general election for National Assembly members), the Yoon Seo-gyul (Yun Seok-yue) administration will be over.
"This will likely lead to an election in which pro-North Korean forces control the mainstream of this country." Chairman Han said this at the inauguration ceremony of the ruling party's Central Election Committee held at the National Assembly Building this morning.
'The fate of the country is at stake' is not simple rhetoric." He continued, ``This victory is our historical responsibility.If we lose, we will commit a crime against history.''
``For the past four years, the Diet has not been a place to discuss people's livelihoods, but rather a battleground where special prosecutors (investigations by special prosecutors) and impeachments have raged.''
Chairman Han said, ``The Democratic Party (both Democrats), which had an overwhelming majority of seats, had a numerical advantage in all standing committees and completed a ``legislative runaway''.''
"Especially in the past two years since the change of government that the people had hoped for, the situation has been tragic," he said. He also said, ``The Democratic Party is trying to destroy the Yun administration and the people's lives, so they are using the ``Democratic Democratic Party'' policy in this election as well.
They believe that only by destroying more lives can they gain votes and hide their crimes.'' He added, ``We can no longer call ourselves the Democratic Party.This is Lee Jae-myung. present
It is the ``private party'' of the Democratic Party representative.'' Chairman Han said, ``If this kind of parliamentary situation becomes more serious over the next four years and even pro-North Korean forces come in, the damage will be felt by the people.
``If there are people in the ruling party who think it's okay to lose in an important general election that will determine the fate of this country,'' he said, ``If there are people in the ruling party who think it's okay to lose in an important general election that will determine the fate of this country, they will betray the people and become history's sinners.'' He emphasized.
2024/03/19 17:02 KST
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