Park Seo Jun & Park Hyung-sik & Choi Woo-shik, MV reaction at V's house without V (BTS)... Easy and open atmosphere of friends
Park Seo Jun, Park Hyung Sik and Choi Woo Sik released their reactions to V's (BTS) music video.

A video titled 'V'FRI(END)'S MV Reaction 2' was published on the YouTube channel 'BANGTANTV' on the 18th.

In the video released, Park Seo Jun, Park Hyung Sik and Choi Woo Sik said, "We are in a house without an owner and we received the music video in advance because the new new song of the owner is coming out. We will have time to react and also have time to deepen our friendship", they revealed.

As soon as they turned on the music video, the three were greeted with visuals of V waking up from sleep, "You slept without shampooing, didn't you?" and "Your head is sticky, isn't it?" and "Did you sleep with gel on your head?" They showed their good friendship by saying mischievously, "Did you brush your teeth? And "Are you brushing your teeth?" I see, you've come out looking cool," they said pleasantly.

Then came the scene where V was pulled into a car but woke up with a woman in bed as well, and Park Seo Joon, Park Hyung Sik and Choi Woo Sik said, "Isn't this a dream now?" The three were also seen concentrating on the music video, exchanging opinions such as "I think it's a dream from now on" and "For now, I woke up alone, but (now) I'm brushing my teeth together with a woman".

They also marveled at how "everyone else is fighting and only one person is happy", "Taehyung looks like a film actor", and "the music vide was really well made".

At the end, when the two V's woke up in bed and woke up, the three of them said "For now, the song is very good. When he wakes up again, he's two people, but I don't know if he means twins or two of the same person (I don't know)" and "I think the two of them will start by brushing their teeth again. Next time there will be four tae-hyuns", he constantly speculated.

Park Seo Jun, Park Hyung Sik and Choi Woo Sik, who started laughing while doing so, said, "They are acting, so I saw more acting than singing. I saw the story. It's an occupational hazard, so I can't help it", he explained.

Choi Woo-sik and Park Seo-joon said, "Originally, if you watch a film and don't understand it, you go to YouTube and watch a rewiew or something (what about music videos?)" and "I think I would enjoy it more if you explained the intention behind expressing it in this way. It was interesting".

V 'FRI(END)'S MV Reaction 2
V 'FRI(END)'S MV Reaction 2

2024/03/19 17:13 KST
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