With the South Korean government's decision to increase the number of students admitted to medical schools by 2,000 people into university entrance exams, there is a lot of interest in changes to this year's entrance exams. Starting with the 2025 university entrance exam, which will begin accepting applications from September.
This is because the capacity of medical schools will increase to 5,000 for the first time in 27 years. The Ministry of Education sent an official letter on the 20th to the 32 universities to which additional medical school seats were allocated. Reflecting the increase in the capacity of medical schools
This is because the university has decided to submit an application for changes to the 2025 university entrance examination implementation plan to the Korea University Education Council. If the University Education Association approves this, the recruitment number for each university for 2025 will be determined.
. Kang Jeong-ja, head of the Human Resources Development Policy Division at the Ministry of Education, said, ``The additional quota for medical schools was determined by the state as a policy based on the Higher Education Act Enforcement Order, taking into consideration the balance between human resource demand and supply.''
``Universities cannot arbitrarily change enrollment quotas,'' he said. As a result, starting with the entrance exams to be held this year, the capacity for medical schools will increase to 5,000 for the first time in 27 years since 1998.
became. The capacity of medical schools has been maintained at 3,058 students for 19 years since 2006, but with the South Korean government's recent decision to increase the number of students, it will increase by 65% (2,000 students) to 5,058 students. government
The reason for the ``increase in numbers for the first time in 27 years'' is because in 2000, when the medical and pharmaceutical divisions were separated, the number of employees was reduced to 351 to appease the medical association. Considering this, for the first time since 1998
This is a measure to increase personnel. The Faculty of Medicine's capacity of 5,058 students is 93% of the number of humanities recruits (5,443 students) at so-called "SKY universities" such as Seoul University, Korea University, and Yonsei University.
It's the scale of it. Admissions experts believe that the changes to entrance exams that will result from the increase in medical schools will be significant. Existing “SKY University” examinees are passing out to medical school and taking their seats as the next in rank.
The plan is for the positions to be filled by university applicants. Lim Seong-ho, president of Jongno Academy, said, ``If the capacity of medical schools increases and 2,000 people leave the science and engineering departments of Seoul University, Yonsei University, and Korea University,
``The vacant seats will be filled by students who will go to Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, and Sogang University,'' he said, adding, ``The vacant seats created at these universities will also be filled by students going to other universities.'' go to
It is expected that there will be a chain reaction of students filling the positions.'' It is also expected that passing scores will decline as medical school capacity expands. Jonro Gakuin has 2,000 medical students.
It is predicted that the on-time passing score will drop by 4.5 points in Japanese and mathematics due to the increase in the number of students. If the current passing score for medical school is 285.9 points, it will be 281.4 points after the capacity is increased to 2000 students.
I think it will go down. There is also a possibility that students who are applying to dental school, herbal medicine school, or pharmacy school may change their course to medical school. Even among students already enrolled in these faculties, there are cases of leave of absence or voluntary withdrawal.
It is expected that the number of students taking the exam to attend medical school will increase. In 2022, students will drop out of the School of Pharmacy (206 students), School of Dentistry (56 students), School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (80 students), and School of Veterinary Medicine (66 students).
It is estimated that a considerable number of the personnel were transferred to medical schools.
2024/03/23 07:01 KST
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