「臭い」 地下鉄でマニキュアを塗る乗客…「姿勢まで変えて」=韓国
``It stinks.'' Passenger applying nail polish on the subway... ``Even change your posture'' = South Korea
In South Korea, a woman has been criticized by the public after being shown getting a manicure on the subway. On the 21st, JTBC's program ``Case Unit Chief'' featured a story about a female passenger on the metropolitan area's subway.
We reported on a scene where she was applying nail polish on the window. The source said other people around the passenger moved in their seats because of the distinct smell of nail polish. Regardless of that
Apparently, the person in question was engrossed in applying multiple coats of nail polish without paying attention to it. The informant said, ``The passengers around me moved and the seat next to me became empty, so I changed my posture (to make it easier to apply nail polish).
"I've changed everything," he said, expressing his dismay.
2024/03/25 10:38 KST
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