Medical and labor shortages due to declining birthrate...South Korea is of particular concern
A survey found that most countries around the world are facing a phase of population decline. According to Reuters and other sources, the Institute for Health Metrics and Analysis (IHME) at the University of Washington recently announced that
The report, published in the British medical journal Lancet, predicted that by 2100, the total global birth rate would fall to 1.59 children.
This downward trend will continue, following the global birth rate that reached 4.84 children in 1950 and fell to 2.23 children in 2021.
By country, the birth rate in 155 of the world's 204 countries (76%) is expected to fall below the replacement level by 2050.
Ta. The report also predicted that by 2100, the proportion would increase further, with 198 countries (97%) having fertility rates below the replacement level.
The replacement level is the birth rate required to maintain the population at its current state, usually based on 2.1 children.
shall be. The report also predicted that birth rates would become polarized between developed and developing countries. By 2100, more than three-quarters of all births worldwide will take place in lower- and middle-income countries.
The report explains that. In particular, the report predicted that by this time, more than one in two babies born worldwide would be born in sub-Saharan African countries.
``Many countries with limited resources are politically and economically unstable and lack health systems,'' said Stein Emil Borset, the institute's chief researcher.
The United States will struggle with how to support the world's youngest and fastest growing population.]
Furthermore, the report notes that countries such as South Korea have a birth rate of less than 1.1 children, and this trend
He said this is of particular concern because it could lead to the problem of a decline in the workforce. According to the Korea Statistical Office, the annual birth rate in South Korea last year was 0.72.
Natalia Bhattacharji, co-author of the report, said: ``As most countries' populations decline, they need more open migration to maintain economic growth.''
We will need to rely on the people," he said. This report is based on population surveys and questionnaires collected from 1950 to 2021 by IHME's international research consortium 'Global Burden of Disease' (GBD).
This is a compilation of outlook values based on market surveys and other data. The research team was partially limited in its outlook due to quantitative and qualitative issues with the data from 2020 to 2021, which was the period of the coronavirus pandemic.
he added. Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that the model used in this report has several limitations, including the fact that it does not include sufficient data from developing countries.
said AFP.
2024/03/23 20:56 KST
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