韓国野党代表「尹政権の “民生破綻”」を批判…「政権審判」訴える
South Korean opposition leader criticizes the Yun administration's 'destruction of people's livelihood'... appeals for 'judgment of the government'
On the 27th, two weeks before the National Assembly general election (to be held on April 10th), Lee Jae-myung, representative of the South Korean opposition party ``Together with the Democratic Party'' (Democratic Party), visited Chungcheongbuk-do (Chungcheongbuk-do).
He once again appealed for a "judgment of the government." While continuing his fierce attack on the government and ruling party, this appears to be a sign that he is preparing for the official election campaign, which will begin in earnest on the 28th.
At the election committee meeting held in Chungju, North Chungcheong Province this morning, Lee said, ``The master of the country is the people.
We have an obligation to improve the lives of the people and do our best to plan for the future of the nation.'' He added, ``Powers that take these responsibilities lightly, or even violate them, should be subject to the strict judgment of the people.'' "That's it."
Told. Lee said, ``This is the basic philosophy of the Republic of Korea, a democratic republic, and the basis of the constitutional order. No matter the power, there are no exceptions to this.''
This gave sufficient time and opportunity to the Gyul (Yun Seok-yue) administration. I've been waiting and holding back until I can't wait any longer. However, the result was the decline of the people's economy, the destruction of democracy, the loss of the future, and peace.
It's only a crisis for peace." He went on to say, ``The Democratic Party is not just a judge of the government. We will build a better life and a better tomorrow for all people.''
Representative Lee also emphasized ``people's livelihood.'' Representative Lee said, ``We will revive the people's livelihood, which was ruined by the Yoon administration,'' and ``We will promote the four major economic policies.''
We will enable China to once again make the leap to becoming a strong nation. We will continue to take maximum measures to restore people's livelihoods." He added, ``Our economic power and national power now depend on the basic livelihood of our people.''
``We must move from a passive welfare system that provides relief to those who drop out to a positive welfare system that prevents anyone from dropping out.''
2024/03/27 17:06 KST
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