Asset status of South Korean National Assembly members: 3 members with “negative assets”…25 with less than 500 million won
According to the ``2024 Periodic Asset Change Report'' released by South Korea's National Assembly Public Official Ethics Committee on the 28th, there are 25 members of the National Assembly whose declared assets are less than 500 million won (approximately 56 million yen). ,
It has been revealed that three people have declared ``negative assets,'' meaning their debts exceed their assets. This represents 8.6% of the 291 members who declared their assets.
Representatives Kim Min-seok and Jin Sun-mi of the largest opposition party, ``Together with the Democratic Party,'' and Ahn Byung-gil of the ruling party, ``People's Power.''
Representative Heikichi) declared negative assets. Rep. Kim declared a minus 59.32 million won, although his debt increased by 45.31 million won from the minus 14.01 million won he declared the previous year. politics
The main reason is said to be a decrease in the number of deposit accounts. In Rep. Chin's case, he declared a negative amount of 894.6 million won. Compared to the previous year, the amount of debt decreased by 39.706 million won. bond
The main factors behind the change in assets were a decrease in business operations and an increase in deposits held by individuals. Rep. Ahn declared a minus 140,288,000 won.
In addition to Rep. Ahn, the ruling party "People's Power" also has Rep. Kim Eun (88,145,000
(0 won), and Rep. Bae Hyun-jin (407,248,000 won) was less than 500 million won. Democratic Party members Kang Sung-woo (97,065,000 won) and Koh Young-in
(445,101,000 won), Rep. Kim Doo-kwang (307,797,000 won), Rep. Kim Seung Woo-won (476,931,000 won), and Rep. Song Gap-seok (307,797,000 won).
303,075,000 won), Rep. Song Ki-hong (135,279,000 won), Rep. Shin Jeong-hoon (490,046,000 won), and Rep. Yoo Jeong-joo (109,200,000 won).
028,000 won), Rep. Yoon Jae-gap (333,975,000 won), Rep. Lee Jung-moon (472,031,000 won), and Rep. Cho Oh-seop (497,333,000 won).
000 won), Rep. Choi Hye-young (449.36 million won), and Rep. Heo Sook-jeong (187.2 million won 7,000 won) declared assets of less than 500 million won.
Among the members who moved to the proportional representation satellite parties of the ruling and opposition parties, Rep. Ji Sung-ho of the People's Future (383,419,000 won) and Yoon Yeo of the Together Democratic Alliance
Representatives Ndok (95,882,000 won) and Yang Yi-won-young (491,440,000 won) were included. Others include Congressman Kim Jung Min of “New Future” (404,399
70,000 won), Green Justice Party member Kang Eun-mi (390,176,000 won), Bae Jin-kyo (492,155,000 won), and independent member Yoon Mi-hyang (300,000,000 won).
55,616,000 won) declared assets of less than 500 million won.
2024/03/28 06:19 KST
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