Regarding the remark of Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People's Power Emergency Task Force, who called him ”a person who treats politics like a dog”...both Democratic Party members said, ”We must have dignity” = South Korea
In response to Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the Emergency Countermeasures Committee of the People's Power (ruling party), who said, ``The problem is people who treat politics like dogs,'' the Democratic Party (opposition party) said on the 28th, ``They are the ones who treat politics like dogs.'' If you go
He responded by quoting the American election maxim, ``When they go low, we go high.''
Kim Min-Seok, the head of the Democratic Party's Situation Office, said this quote at a National Assembly briefing on the same day.
``For the remainder of the period (until election day), we will continue to appeal to the people for our support with dignity.''
Director Kim said, ``Mogaku Daishi said, ``If you look at it with the eyes of a Buddha, everything looks like a Buddha, but if you look at it with the eyes of a pig, everything is a pig.''
He left behind a story about the Buddha's eyes that said, 'It looks like a pig's eye.'' Regarding Chairman Han's remarks, Director Kim told the party, ``Candidates should refrain from excessive responses.
) I would like the administration to focus on pointing out the current state of the economy and people's livelihoods and publicizing its regional commitments.'' Furthermore, ``I am making this public announcement with the intention of not going into this election while looking at the world with the same eyes as Chairman Han.''
"I issued it," he explained. In addition, Chairman Han said during a campaign in Sinchon, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul on the morning of the same day, ``The problem is people who treat politics like dogs;
is innocent.'' He also described Democratic Party representative Lee Jae-myung and Cho Kuk Reform Party representative Cho Kuk as ``criminals,'' and said, ``I don't want to go to prison, and I don't want to go to prison.
They engage in politics for personal revenge, in order to take revenge for the harm done to the people in their country. Is it politics?"
2024/03/28 20:59 KST
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