Two years after the start of the war, Ukraine's economy grew by 5.3% last year.
``Two years after the start of the war, Ukraine's economy has grown by 5.3%,'' US news agency Bloomberg reported on the 28th (local time).
The National Statistical Office of Ukraine announced on the same day that ``GDP (gross domestic product) in 2023 grew by 5.3% compared to the previous year.''
Russian missile and drone attacks caused damage to Ukraine's power grid, ports, and railway facilities, but analysis suggests that the economy has grown as agricultural exports have resumed.
In particular, last year's bumper harvest led to a large increase in agricultural production, which revitalized the Black Sea grain export route, which appears to have been the driving force behind the economic recovery.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government predicted that economic growth this year would be 4.6%.
2024/03/29 17:06 KST
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