”Onion Man” former justice minister: ”The people were dying to vote” on record high early voting rate = South Korea
On the 7th, Cho Kuk, former Minister of Justice of South Korea and head of the Fatherland Reform Party, commented on the record-high early voting rate for the general election and the overseas national voting rate, "Over the past two years, the people have not wanted to vote.
"I was waiting for the day to vote, and when the time came to start, the doors closed," Cho said at the "With Cho Kuk" event held at a city park in Seoul that afternoon.
"Why did they rush to vote as soon as the session was held?" he asked. "Could it have been to send a warning to the Yoon Seok-yeol administration or to serve as a judge?" he added.
He continued, "What is the only thing we can do? We do not have the authority to search houses or make arrests or detain people.
"The only way to send a warning about the Yoon administration's brutality, irresponsibility and incompetence and bring an early end to it is to vote," he said.
2024/04/08 08:05 KST
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