April 10 ”General Election”... President Yoon's ”Interim Report on National Governance” to be announced on the same day = South Korea
In South Korea, the National Assembly general election, which will determine the legislative branch for the next four years, will be held on April 10. This election will be a mid-term evaluation of President Yoon Seok-yeol.
The presidential office and each ministry are watching the results with bated breath. The outcome of the general election will determine President Yoon's control over the remaining three years of national affairs, of course.
The general election for the National Assembly will take place from 6 am to 6 pm on the 10th.
In particular, through this general election, the ruling party, People's Power, has won the proportional representation satellite parties.
The fate of the Yoon administration depends on how many seats it wins, including the 101 seats it has won. If the ruling party loses fewer than 101 seats, not only will the barrier to constitutional amendment and impeachment collapse, but President Yoon's veto power will also be rendered ineffective.
Also, if the ruling party wins around 100 to 120 seats, the current "small ruling party, large opposition party" situation will be maintained, and the Yoon administration will continue to face difficult times in running the nation.
If the target is exceeded, there will be room to accelerate not only the three major reforms (labor, education, and pensions) that President Yoon is strongly promoting, but also various other policies, such as health care reform.
On the other hand, if the ruling party wins a majority (150 or more seats), President Yoon's momentum for "running the nation" will become even stronger.
2024/04/10 07:59 KST
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