Taking advantage of ”regrets over ex-lovers”...Increasing number of companies exploiting young people's romantic psychology = South Korea
"My long-time boyfriend broke up with me for a trivial reason. I sought counseling as a last resort, but it seems I was just used."
Ms. A (27), an office worker, wanted to start a relationship with her boyfriend again, so she sought advice from six relationship consulting companies.
The chances of reconciliation given by each company varied from 0% to 60%, and the answers to the consultation were "never show weakness first" and "to erase the negative image,
"I need a gap period to get married," and other generalized things like that. Ms. A said, "My ex-boyfriend never contacted me," and "I'm going to stop paying expensive companies."
Recently, as more and more young people are giving up on love, let alone marriage and childbirth, love consulting companies are appearing that exploit the psychological state of men and women who are troubled by love as a way to make money.
These companies charge fees ranging from 50,000 won to several million won and claim to offer services such as reuniting with a former partner, making unrequited love come true, and escaping singlehood.
One company has been operating for nearly 15 years and claims to have handled 10,000 consultations in total. Another company, which claims to use big data provided by universities and research institutes in Korea and abroad, has been running a service for about two weeks.
The company received more than 30 inquiries on the site. However, many of these companies lack expertise, and many of them actually behave dishonestly or do not take responsibility if the encounter fails, so users need to be careful.
Ms. B (25), who consulted a dating consulting company, said, "The initial consultation fee was 100,000 won, but after that, they offered me a consultation fee of 1 million won, which included a dating event.
"I was tricked into doing things like that," he said, "and they told me that even if I failed to meet someone, it would be difficult to get a refund, even though the amount was too much for me to pay."
"I thought they had at least confirmed my name and the situation and analyzed it, but it seemed like they were being too arbitrary," he said.
A Korea Consumers Union official said, "There is an increase in sales tactics that exploit the psychology of lonely people who are isolated from other people," and "Consumers are being asked for consultations when using services."
Please check the details, service levels, and contract cancellation conditions to avoid becoming a victim."
2024/04/23 10:51 KST
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