Husband sets fire to door after wife doesn't open it for him after drinking... not found guilty - Korea
A husband who set fire to the milk dispenser in the front door after his wife refused to open it has been acquitted of an arson charge.
According to the Korean legal profession on the 6th, the Seoul Central District Court
The court found Defendant A, who was indicted on charges of arson, not guilty. In October last year, Defendant A returned home after drinking alcohol. His wife, worried about his violence, refused to open the front door, so he yelled, "I'm going to die. I'm going to set fire to something."
The defendant A's wife, Ms. B, was worried about her husband's domestic violence and changed the combination to the front door, and the new combination was
The investigation revealed that the owner had not informed the owner of the fire. The fire was put out within a minute because Mr. B poured water on it, but the inside of the front door was burned.
When asked why he set the fire, Defendant A said, "It was to scare my wife into opening the front door.
Ms. B claimed, "My husband had never set fire to the house or said he would do so before, and because I was at home, I thought he would put out the fire right away, so he set fire to the door to scare me."
The court stated, "At the time of the incident, another family was living in the front room of the defendant's house, and it is questionable whether Defendant A had the intention of setting fire to endanger the family."
"It is believed that Defendant A was fully aware that there was a fire extinguisher near the front door," he said, declaring him innocent. He also said, "The fire the defendant started was weak and did not set off any fire prevention sensors inside the building.
"The smoke was not enough to activate the alarm, and the wife poured water from a plastic bottle over it and it went out immediately," he said, judging that "the milk inlet inside the front door was only slightly burned."
The court also stated, "The defendant was arrested red-handed while sitting on the stairs of the apartment building, without making any further attempts to light the fire, despite believing the fire was out," and "he started the fire."
Only a disposable lighter was used to light the gun and no other flammable material was used."
2024/05/06 12:03 KST
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