China's exports and imports in January-April 2024 to reach 13.81 trillion formers, up 5.7% from the same period last year - Chinese report
According to statistics released by the General Administration of Customs of China on the 9th, China's total merchandise trade imports and exports in the January-April period of 2024 increased 5.7% year-on-year to 13.81 trillion former (approximately 297.63 trillion yen).
The monthly import and export value in April increased 8% year-on-year to 3.64 trillion yen (about 80 trillion yen). According to statistical data, the export value for January to April this year increased 4.9% year-on-year to 7.81 trillion yen.
0 billion (approximately 168.32 trillion yen). Of these, ships increased by 108.4%, electric vehicles (EVs) increased by 28.3%, and construction machinery increased by 16.2%, showing high growth rates. On the other hand, the import amount for the same period
The figure was 6 trillion former (about 131.86 trillion yen), up 6.8% year-on-year. Lu Daliang, director of the Statistics and Analysis Department of the General Administration of Customs, said, "Since the beginning of this year, China's foreign trade has expanded.
"The growth rate of exports and imports from January to April exceeded that of the first quarter of 2024, and the scale reached an all-time high for the same period," he said.
China's exports and imports with the Belt and Road co-construction countries in the first four months of the year increased by 6.4% year-on-year to 6.54 trillion former (approximately 143.62 trillion yen), accounting for 47.4% of the total exports and imports.
The value of exports and imports with ASEAN increased 8.5% year-on-year to 2.18 trillion former (approximately 47.87 trillion yen).
During the same period, exports and imports with the European Union (EU), the United States, and South Korea decreased by 1.8%, increased by 1.1%, and increased by 5.5%, respectively.
The growth rate of exports and imports with emerging markets such as South America, Africa, and the five Central Asian countries was high, increasing by 11.7%, 7.7%, and 17.9%, respectively.
"China's exports and imports with emerging markets remained strong in April, while exports and imports with traditional markets such as Europe and the United States appeared to be declining," said Director Lu.
"The overall growth rate of exports and imports has turned from negative to positive, and it is clear that China's foreign trade is improving."
2024/05/10 15:39 KST
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