”Former couple” actress Ku Hye Sun & actor Ahn Jae Hyeon, ”Sleeping in their car” ”No money in their bank account”... Financial difficulties after divorce for both of them
Actress Ku Hye Sun and actor Ahn Jae Hyeon are continuing to live modest lives after their divorce. On the 16th, tvN variety show "Truth or Setting: An Elegant Life" aired.
Ku Hye Sun appeared on the show. Ku Hye Sun revealed her simple daily life as a college student. On the show, she said, "I've used up a lot of my assets. I've had some bad experiences.
"I got along well with the family," she said. Ku Hye Sun was immersed in her university life and was sleeping in her car near the school. She said, "I have no place to stay, so I'm practically homeless.
"I have a mother's house in Incheon, but during exam periods, I'm the type who goes out in my car and sleeps in the car or sleeps in the library," he said. Ku Hye Sun said that he sleeps in his car to get good grades on exams.
She showed her carelessness by eating in the car and washing her face with wet tissues. Ku Hye Sun said, "I often can't take a bath. I don't have shampoo.
I can live just fine without it. I just use soap to take a bath and wash my face," he said, revealing that he plans to continue on to a doctoral program after graduating from graduate school.
Her former husband Ahn Jae Hyeon also recently showed off his modest lifestyle.
On C's variety show "I Live Alone," Ahn Jae Hyeon revealed that due to her long break, "I have no money in my bank account."
In fact, Ahn Jae Hyeon was driving a small car to get used to living frugally.
She has also started to prepare for retirement by changing her attitude towards fixed expenses. She also spends her money wisely, for example by shopping at second-hand clothing stores.
When she appeared on the YouTube channel "Solpuri," she revealed that she has been cooking for herself for 15 years and said, "When I go to a convenience store, the bag is
If you need it, you can bring an empty soju bottle and they'll give you about 100 won (about 10 yen)," he said, adding that he goes to the convenience store with a bottle of soju.
In this way, Ku Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyeon are struggling financially due to divorce or long breaks.
They have been getting older and living a modest life, attracting attention. Meanwhile, the two divorced in 2020.
2024/05/17 14:23 KST
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