China's National Bureau of Statistics: Domestic economy continues to recover in April - Chinese media
At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 17th, a representative from the National Bureau of Statistics announced the domestic economic situation for April 2024.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in April, the number of industrial enterprises with annual main operating revenue of
The value added of companies with sales of 20 million yen or more (approximately 430 million yen or more) increased by 6.7% compared to the same month last year, accelerating by 2.2 points from the previous month and increasing by 0.97% from the previous month.
The national service industry production index increased by 3.5% compared to the same month last year. Retail sales increased by 2.3% compared to the same month last year to 3.5699 trillion yen (about 76.95 trillion yen).
The average urban unemployment rate nationwide from January to April was 5.2%, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for April was down 0.3% from the same month last year, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year.
This was a 0.1% increase from the month. Overall, China's domestic economy in April continued to show a stable recovery trend.
2024/05/17 15:59 KST
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