<W解説> DMZに地雷埋設、鉄条網補強=「南北断絶」へと突き進む北朝鮮
Landmines buried in DMZ, barbed wire reinforced = North Korea moving forward toward ”separation of North and South Korea”
It has been revealed that North Korea has recently been carrying out work such as burying mines and reinforcing barbed wire in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the military border with South Korea.
In a speech at the Supreme People's Assembly (equivalent to the National Assembly) in January of this year, North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun said he would stipulate in the constitution that South Korea is "the number one hostile country and the unchanging main enemy."
He also stressed the need to put an end to 80 years of North-South relations and said, "We will completely cut off everything that connects the two Koreas near the Military Demarcation Line."
The country's public broadcaster KBS reported that "the mine-laying work is believed to be a measure to create a visible 'border' between the North and South, in accordance with instructions from Chairman Kim."
According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, citing a South Korean military source, the North Korean military has planted mines in four or five areas within the DMZ.
"The North Korean military is actively laying mines and reinforcing barbed wire within the DMZ," the North Korean government said, adding that 100 to 200 troops were mobilized for each area.
"However, this year more troops have been deployed than in previous years," the report said. It was also revealed that North Korea has planted landmines on all three roads leading to South Korea since around December last year.
All three roads are symbolic of dialogue and cooperation between the two Koreas. The westernmost one is the Kaesong Highway in southern North Korea, which is jointly operated by South and North Korea and has been suspended since February 2016.
The road leads to the Kaesong Industrial Complex in Kaesong, North Korea. The operation of the Kaesong Industrial Complex was a symbol of economic cooperation between South and North Korea, but as relations deteriorated, economic exchanges between the two Koreas came to a halt, and the South Korean government's Yoon Seo-kyo
The Yun Seok-yeol administration has scaled back inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. As part of this, the Kaesong Industrial Zone Support Foundation, which had been supporting the operation of the complex, was recently dissolved. Meanwhile, North Korea has also
In June 2020, the North-South Joint Liaison Office, which was located in the area, was unilaterally blown up, and work to remove the rubble began around the beginning of last year. The South Korean Ministry of Unification (Ministry of Unification) said, "They continue to violate our property rights.
" However, the work was recently completed. The series of events surrounding this site, which was once a symbol of reconciliation and cooperation, now strongly emphasizes the breakdown of relations between North and South Korea.
Also, since last summer, North Korea has increasingly used the term "Republic of Korea" when criticizing South Korea.
The term "Republic of Korea" was first used in July last year in a series of speeches by Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo-jong, vice director of the Workers' Party of Korea.
Attention was focused on the intention behind changing the expression from "pryor" to "military force of the Republic of Korea." At the time, Kim Yo-jong issued a statement criticizing the U.S. Air Force's reconnaissance activities, and changed the expressions to "Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Republic of Korea" and "military force of the Republic of Korea."
In the statement, the part that referred to the Republic of Korea was placed in parentheses for emphasis. In addition, the following month, when Kim Jong Un visited the Navy Headquarters to give a speech before the anniversary of the founding of the Navy, he said,
"Just the other day, the leaders of the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea got together and announced that they would hold regular joint military exercises, and have begun to carry them out," he said.
This was the first time that the country was referred to as the "Republic of Korea." Recently, the quotation marks were removed. Furthermore, in a statement released by Kim Yo-jong via the state-run Korean Central News Agency this month, she also spoke of the denuclearization of inter-Korean relations.
Regarding recent reports that North Korea is engaged in arms trading with Russia, Yo-jong said, "This is the most absurd memory."
"We have no intention to export or disclose our military technological capabilities to anywhere," he said, adding that the multiple rocket launchers and missiles that were recently unveiled were aimed at South Korea.
North Korea is moving forward with the goal of "cutting off the North and South." Its actions are gradually escalating. On the 14th of this month, Chairman Kim, who inspected a production site for tactical missile weapons systems, said, "Our military
This will bring about a revolutionary change in the Corps' war preparations," and an uneasy atmosphere is hanging over the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
2024/05/20 14:26 KST
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