When someone posts a review of a delivery meal saying ”a cockroach appeared,” the restaurant owner asks, ”Do we really need to go to such lengths?” (Korea)
In South Korea, a customer complained about a cockroach appearing in the food he ordered from a restaurant and posted a review on a delivery app. The restaurant owner responded by saying, "I even refunded the money, so why do you need to go to such lengths?"
On the 19th, a post was made on an online community with the title, "There was a cockroach in my delivery but no reaction."
The poster, Mr. A, wrote, "I ordered takeout and was eating when a cockroach showed up. This is the first time I've ever had something like this happen to me when ordering food for takeout."
Mr. A posted a photo of a stir-fried chanpon dish with what appeared to be a cockroach in it, saying, "It's a highly rated restaurant, so I ordered it, but recently I found a cockroach in it.
"I was told that I would be refunded, but I don't know what to do in this situation," said A. "After I asked for a refund, I gave them my account number, but they didn't make any deposits for 30 minutes.
"The delivery was delayed so I left a review, but I received a call from the delivery app shortly after to say, 'I'm sorry.'"
In a review, Mr. A wrote, "After I had eaten a few bites, a cockroach appeared in my food, so I threw it all up.
"I don't know how they manage hygiene, but I'm so traumatized that I can't order takeout again," he wrote. In a response to the review, the restaurant said, "We never said 'we're sorry.'
We have been using Sesco (a pest control company) since the beginning of our business, and this is the first time something like this has happened. Anyway, the lawyer said that it came from our restaurant's food.
Although there is no room for resolution, is it necessary to go to this extent after we have already refunded the money?" he replied. He then apologized, saying, "As someone who works hard in business, I am sorry."
The delivery app called Mr. A directly to apologize for the foreign object and dealt with the matter separately. After that, when Mr. A called the store again, a female manager answered the phone. The manager responded to the review with, "China
A's husband wrote the message, but he was not good at using words, so it ended up like this." A posted another message, saying, "If you have my number, you should call me again and say, 'I'm sorry.
I thought I would just delete the review and report it because of the manager's attitude, but I was shocked that he apologized through the delivery app as it was convenient for him.
"The response from the other person was even worse," she wrote. She added, "Am I the one committing power harassment? I just wanted a polite apology." Internet users who knew about the situation commented, "Accidents can happen.
"Their response is problematic," "It gives me goosebumps," "It seems like an insult to people who run honest businesses," "I've had cockroaches come out of my mouth after eating champon," and so on.
2024/05/20 20:59 KST
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