尹大統領が指示した「北朝鮮離脱住民の日」が国家記念日に “制定”=韓国
President Yoon's ”Day of North Korean Defectors” has been ”established” as a national holiday in South Korea
In South Korea, the "Day of North Korean Defectors" was designated as a national holiday on July 14th. On the 20th, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety announced, "We will designate the Day of North Korean Defectors as a national holiday.
"We will promulgate a revised version of the 'Regulations on Various Anniversaries, etc.' on the 21st."
President Yoon Seok-yeol announced at the Cabinet meeting on January 16 that he would
They called for the establishment of a "Day of North Korean Defectors," saying that "in accordance with the South Korean Constitution, North Korean citizens are South Korean nationals," and the South Korean government has been working to revise related regulations.
On July 14th, the Act on Protection and Policy Support for North Korean Refugees came into force, which will be the basis for the legal status and settlement support policy for North Korean defectors.
The Ministry of Unification of South Korea is preparing various stage events, including the first commemorative ceremony of the year and the unveiling of a memorial to commemorate the North Korean defectors.
2024/05/21 16:59 KST
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