South Korean Prime Minister: ”Most of the public supports increasing the number of medical students”... ”Always open to dialogue”
On the 22nd, South Korean Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said, "Both the judicial and legislative branches share the view that it is necessary to increase the number of medical students," and added, "More than anything, most of the public supports the idea that it should definitely be promoted."
Prime Minister Han emphasized at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters meeting held at the Government Seoul Complex on the 22nd that, "After gathering opinions for a long period of time, the government has decided to implement measures to increase the number of medical students, including the recruitment of more medical students."
"We have been preparing for reform," he said. "We have repeatedly stated that we can flexibly discuss the scale of staff increases if the medical community presents a single, scientifically based plan from 2026 onwards.
"The government is ready to engage in dialogue at any time and in any form," he said. "We look forward to the medical community's decision."
2024/05/23 08:00 KST
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