A voice actor in his 70s from ”Detective Conan” and ”One Piece” had an affair with a woman 37 years younger than him...even leading to an abortion = Korean reports
It has been revealed that Toru Furuya (70), a voice actor who has appeared in popular Japanese anime such as "Detective Conan" and "One Piece," has had an affair with a fan 37 years his junior.
Japanese media outlet Shukan Bunshun reported on the 22nd that popular voice actor Toru Furuya had an affair with a female fan 37 years his junior for four and a half years.
The two met in 2019. Furuya contacted the female fan A first and started dating her. When A became pregnant, he encouraged her to have an abortion and committed violence against her.
After the shocking news broke, Furuya acknowledged the incident and posted a lengthy apology on his social media accounts.
Furuya said, "I was in an affair with a female fan for four and a half years until last September.
"I was attracted to his support, so I contacted him myself and our relationship started," she said. She continued, "There were times when we argued and I instinctively raised my hand.
"It was an evil act," he said, "and I also made the unforgivable mistake of forcing her to have an abortion. I am truly sorry for causing deep physical and emotional pain to the victim."
Furthermore, Furuya apologized for tarnishing the character he played and for causing harm to those involved, saying, "I intend to make amends for the rest of my life.
I am prepared to face justice. I am truly sorry," he said, bowing his head.
2024/05/23 10:16 KST
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