[Exclusive Interview] ILY:1 has undergone a bold image change and is showcasing the charms of their new songs and members!
To celebrate their second anniversary since their debut, ILY:1 made their comeback in April this year with their second digital single "IMMM" after a hiatus of about five months. Unlike their previous pure and innocent image, they are now a girl group.
We asked the girls, who have undergone a bold image change with a full-on sexy vibe, to talk about their new song and the group. 1. First, please give us a brief introduction to the group "ILY:1".
"I MY ME MINE" means that while we usually show our innocent side, we want to show the celebrity and star side that lies within us.
3. What do you think is one good thing about each other? Nayu thinks that Rona has a refreshing personality. Rona has a really refreshing personality.
With their status, they have the advantage of not being a burden to the person next to them and making things easier for them, and I think that's a great thing.
Oh! Thank you. I think the good thing about Ara is that she loves people, no matter who they are.
She's very energetic, so I want to emulate her personality. The reason is that I lose energy really quickly... I think this is a weakness of mine, and it's something I really want to fix.
Every time I see Ara, I think she is full of energy and I envy her. I think it's great that she is full of energy, likes people, and is always cheerful.
Thank you. I like Lili's ability to always smile and speak clearly. I'm the type of person who is quite swayed by my emotions. But Lili keeps those things separate,
Is she able to lead the way well? Doesn't Lili get swayed by her emotions? That's something I always want to emulate.
Thank you. It's all about the inner self. I was asked this question a long time ago,
You used to say, "I envy your long legs," but now that we've been together for a long time, you've started talking about your inner self. I'm like Hana unnie's calm side. I'm always the one who worries first.
"What should I do? What should I do?" is the type of person who thinks this way, but Hana-nee-san, you won't know until you try. If you worry about it first, you won't be able to show the abilities you once had.
So I want to emulate that. Elba is the youngest, so she's friendly and can easily get into anyone's arms.
I'm the eldest sister, and I think that's a great thing about her. Nayu is definitely a leader, and she's a really caring older sister.
I want to learn from her detailed personality, her gentleness in conversation, and her constant love for the other members.
4. "ILY:1" is a multinational group consisting of two Koreans, two Japanese, and two Taiwanese. What are the good things about being a multinational group?
You can speak Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and English fluently, so you have the advantage of being able to speak many languages and communicate with a lot of fans.
I think that's the biggest advantage. In the beginning of our debut, we spoke different languages, so it was a little difficult to communicate compared to kids from the same country.
But now, everyone's Korean skills have improved, and since we've been together for so long, we already know what we want to say before we say it, so I guess that's a strength? One of the stories?
5. Both Japanese members Hana and Ririka of "ILY:1" are from Kansai, but the other members learned Japanese from Hana and Ririka.
Will you teach me? I think I will naturally pick up some Kansai dialect at that time, but if there are any memorable Kansai dialects, please let me know!
That's right. "Metta uma!" "Metta yummy ...
That's what you say, right? I remembered one too. Really! Really! "Really" is "Honma". Really delicious. "Mmmmm." Hana-onee-san always says this.
But I want to teach the basics first, so I try not to use Kansai dialect as much as possible. Also, the way McDonald's is called is different, like "Mac (Tokyo)" and "Makudo (Osaka)."
It's different. And USJ. The intonation is different. The end of "Universal" goes up and down, which makes a difference.
6. Japan and Korea/Taiwan are in the same Asian region, but they have different cultures.
What are the similarities and differences between countries? Please tell us one similarity and one difference between Japan and Taiwan! First, the differences. In the culture of countries other than Korea, there is a tendency to treat older and younger people as more important.
There's no such thing as "Unni" or "Oppa". In Taiwan, we call our friends by their names, like Hana, who is older than me, but we still call her Hana.
In Korean, we have "Unni" and "Oppa" and honorific language, so is there any difference in that? At first I did, but now I don't feel that way.
In Japanese, we have honorific language, but we don't have terms to address someone older than you. And in Japanese, we have beautiful words, don't we? "Oshimai" (final words), "Omizu" (water), "Odango" (rice dumplings).
Is it a pretty word that starts with "o"? I think that's it. But in Taipei, there are no words like that, and I call my mom and dad "oi!" in a casual manner, so when I first came to Korea,
At the time, it was a bit difficult. Yes. When I first came to Korea, I felt like saying "Hello" and "Thank you" in Taipei, but when I came to Korea, I felt like saying "Annyeonghase" and "Thank you" in Korean.
"Yo" and "Kamsahamnida". When I came to Japan, I said "Thank you". It felt like the words were getting longer and longer. At first, I also thought that the Japanese "Thank you" was the Korean "Komasumuni".
I thought "Thank you" was "Kamsahamnida" and "Thank you" was "Da". But "Thank you" is casual speech and "Thank you" is "Kamsahamnida".
In Korean, "Kommassumnida" and "Kamsahamnida" are the same words and have the same meaning. "Kommassumnida" has a more child-friendly feel, while "Kahamsahamnida" is more suitable.
"Musahamnida" is used by more adults, so it's the same honorific. So I thought that was the difference, but it wasn't, and that was what was strange.
In Chinese, we say "Xie Xie" to everyone. We say "Xie Xie" to everyone. Xie Xie Ni~ (I'm grateful to you)
Also, there is no such thing as "desu" or "ieyo (Korean for "desu" or "masu"), just "xie xie."
Other than that, I think we are quite similar in many ways, and there weren't any surprising cultural differences in our daily lives. Probably...
Ah! But I thought Korea must be a very passionate country because I saw signs like "1+1 (one plus one = buy one)" at convenience stores.
There is a "free gift" that you don't get in Japan. Also, when you go to a restaurant, they give you banchan (side dishes) for free, so it's amazing to get something as a service.
I really liked it. Japan has a culture of doing things in a set way, and I'm not saying that's bad, but I think it's different. I think both are good. 7.
What direction will ILY:1 pursue in the future? ILY:1's goal is to work hard so that many fans around the world can get to know us.
I think that is the direction we are pursuing. We have shown many innocent sides to ourselves, and from now on we will show many changed sides to us, so we want to show a diverse image, just like the name "ILY:1".
I want to become a group that can show the charm of the group. During the interview, ILY:1 was in a friendly mood from start to finish, and answered each question carefully.
The event is sure to be even more exciting. We look forward to seeing what kind of music and charm ILY:1 will show us in the future.


2024/05/23 09:43 KST
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