President Yoon's approval rating remains in the 20% range for over a month (South Korea)
The results of a public opinion poll announced on the 24th showed that South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating has remained in the 20% range for over a month.
The survey was conducted by the Korean polling organization "Gallup Korea" on the 21st to 23rd of this month, targeting 1,001 men and women aged 18 and over.
According to a survey conducted in the fourth week of May, President Yoon's approval rating was calculated to be 24%. This is the same as the results of the surveys conducted in the fourth week of April and the second week of May. President Yoon's approval rating is expected to rise in the coming days after the general elections for the National Assembly (April
The survey, conducted after the 10th of April, recorded a 23% approval rating in the third week of April, and has remained in the 20% range ever since. Disapproval was at 67%, the same as in the previous survey.
The top reason for not approving of President Yoon was "economy, livelihood and prices" at 14%, followed by "lack of communication" at 10% and "exercise of veto power" at 7%.
"Diplomacy" and "issues concerning his wife" each accounted for 5%. The top reasons for support were "increasing the number of medical school students" and "diplomacy," each accounting for 11%.
Meanwhile, support for political parties was 29% for the ruling People Power Party, 31% for the Democratic Party, 11% for the Fatherland Reform Party, and 22% for independents.
The ruling party's ranking dropped by 5% since the previous survey, while the Democratic Party of Japan's rose by 1%, resulting in a reversal of rankings.
2024/05/24 16:42 KST
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