”aespa” WINTER, the beauty that heats up the university festival... a strong goddess visual
Aespa's WINTER heated up the university festival. On the 24th, WINTER's personal channel posted several photos with the comment "Red Red."
In the post, WINTER shared behind-the-scenes photos from Kyung Hee University's college festival. WINTER's appearance in red uniforms drew attention.
WINTER, with her blonde wavy hair and white skin, exudes a cool yet glamorous atmosphere.
He makes a cute and mischievous expression and brings a smile to everyone's faces. Meanwhile, "aespa," the group WINTER belongs to, recently released the preview track "Supernova" from their first full album.
The full album will be released on the 27th of this month.

2024/05/25 05:59 KST
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