Cho Kuk, head of the Fatherland Reform Party, said, ”What President Yoon Seok-yeol does is dictatorial... He is surrounded by prosecutors, fellow drinkers, and far-right people” (South Korea)
On the 25th, Cho Kuk, head of the Fatherland Reform Party, told the People Power Party (ruling party), "If you do not vote in favor of revoting the Special Prosecutor's Act on Private Choi, you will experience again what you experienced eight years ago."
"Eight years ago, the Korean people braved the bitter cold of winter to fight," Cho said at a joint opposition party and civil society pan-national rally to denounce and demand the passage of the Special Prosecutor's Bill for Marines, held in front of Seoul Station that afternoon.
"We have gathered again in this heat. Our demands are the same this time. The Republic of Korea
"What is a dictatorship? A dictatorship is when you hold all the power and handle everything unilaterally.
"Turning your back on the people and caring only about yourself and your close associates is dictatorship. They may not be brandishing guns these days, but what the Yoon Seok-yeol administration is doing is dictatorship," he said.
He continued, "The president doesn't listen to the people at all. He surrounds himself with prosecutors, drinking buddies, and far-right people. These people sit together and run the country. It's not good.
"If it doesn't go well, we'll pretend it never happened," Cho said. "The Special Prosecutor's Act for Private First Class Choi is intended to be accepted by the majority of the public. There is no other reason. Why is it being made like that?
"We need to find out the truth; why did he have to die so suddenly, who is responsible, and who led the investigation in the wrong direction," he repeatedly emphasized.
Cho said, "I would like to ask President Yoon Seok-yeol, what did you say after you were informed of the results of the Marine Corps investigation on July 31 and became enraged? What instructions did you give to whom?"
Cho said, "President Yoon vetoed the bill to investigate the Choi Marines. It is completely incomprehensible from a common sense perspective. He must be afraid that he and his close associates will be investigated.
"Is there some other reason?" he said. "President Yoon is despicable and shallow. He has already used the veto power for the 10th time, five times a year, the most of any president in history. Is he proud of it?" he added sarcastically.
He added, "I warn President Yoon Seok-yeol. There is a limit to the people's patience. And in the name of the people, I urge the ruling party, People Power, to stop this president who is heading down the path of a dictator."

2024/05/25 20:48 KST
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