北の偵察衛星「発射失敗」…韓国大統領室「成功いかんにかかわらず “安保理決議違反”」
North Korea's spy satellite ”launch failure”... South Korean presidential office: ”Regardless of success or failure, it is a violation of UN Security Council resolutions”
On the night of the 27th, North Korea launched a military reconnaissance satellite, and the South Korean Presidential Office chaired a security situation review meeting and stated, "North Korea's second launch of a military reconnaissance satellite, following its launch in November last year, was a success.
"Regardless of the circumstances, this is a violation of the UN Security Council resolutions," the South Korean presidential office said in a press release at 12:48 a.m. on the 28th, "Our military conducted a military drill at 10:44 p.m. on the 27th, and
"We captured the launch of a so-called 'military reconnaissance satellite.'" According to the South Korean presidential office, the National Security Office immediately reported the relevant details to the president, and at 11:40 p.m., Jang Ho-jin
The National Security Council chief, Kim Jong Un, presided over a security situation review meeting, which was held after receiving a report from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and discussing countermeasures. US and South Korean authorities said the FLY exploded in the air over North Korean waters after flying for several minutes.
The South Korean presidential office said, "This is a provocative act that threatens the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, and the international community. Our military has maintained an ironclad security posture in preparation for the possibility of further provocations by North Korea."
Meanwhile, North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency said, "The State Aeronautics and Space Technology General Administration said, 'The new satellite-carrying rocket exploded in mid-air during the first stage of flight, resulting in a failed launch.'
According to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, the South Korean military said that North Korea had fired a missile south from the Dongchang-ri area of Pyeongan Province at around 10:44 p.m. on the 27th.
The US Navy also captured one flight track that was presumed to be a "military reconnaissance satellite" claimed by North Korea. The FLY object was also detected as a large amount of debris in the sea off the North Korean side at around 10:46 p.m. on the same day.
2024/05/28 08:17 KST
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