米連邦裁判所、DEBT Box事件棄却後、SECに180万ドル支払い判決
US Federal Court Orders SEC to Pay $1.8 Million After Dismissing DEBT Box Case
A federal court has ruled that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking to sue a company operating under the name "DEBT Box" for allegedly breaching its Digital Licensing Agreement.
In connection with a civil lawsuit against the company, the company was ordered to pay $1.8 million in attorneys' and administrative fees.
According to Cointelegraph, a media outlet specializing in virtual assets, on the 28th (local time), the Utah District Court ruled that the SEC should pay about $100 million in attorney fees and costs.
The judge in March ordered the DEBT to pay $1.2 million in processing fees and costs.
The SEC's temporary restraining order to freeze Box's assets was subsequently found to have been malicious conduct.
Box filed documents alleging that the SEC's information was inaccurate and that it had threatened sanctions.
DEBT was the result of a cease and desist order against Box, alleging the company committed an illegal $50 million cryptocurrency fraud.
Box was required to pay all attorney's fees and costs.
The court ruled that all costs requested by DEBT Box were appropriate except for the $649 fee.
"This is an important victory for us," Box said in a statement on the 28th, adding that the SEC "cannot proceed further in this case."
It means that."
2024/05/29 18:44 KST
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