北朝鮮の住民たち、こどもの名前に「統一」「韓国」「ハナ」が “使用禁止”
North Korean residents are banned from naming their children ”Unification,” ”Korea,” and ”Hana”
It has been revealed that North Korean authorities have prohibited residents from using names such as "Unification," "Korea," and "Hana" (meaning "one") when naming their children.
At the end of last year, the government defined North-South relations as "not that of fellow nations, but that of hostile warring nations," and has continued to erase all traces of North-South relations since then.
In January of last year, North Korea shut down foreign propaganda media outlets such as "Our Nation" and "Mary (Echo)," and banned pro-South (pro-Korea) radio stations such as "Pyongyang Broadcasting" and "Pyongyang FM."
Instead, they have started to use media such as YouTube and TikTok to spread a fabricated image of North Korea.
In addition, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other websites have also deleted past content that included words related to North-South relations, such as "peaceful unification," "unification of the fatherland," and "great national unity."
The Ministry of Unification of South Korea said, "After defining inter-Korean relations as hostile, North Korea has been working hard to unite its regime by instilling an anti-South sentiment in its citizens and increasing tensions with South Korea.
"There is a possibility that..."
2024/05/30 16:58 KST
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