”aespa” NINGNING will not be participating in ”K-WAVE” due to dehydration and weakness... ”He needs to rest and be well”
A red light has been raised regarding the health of NINGNING, a member of the girl group aespa.
On the 2nd, the management office of "aespa" SM Entertainment announced that "NING
NING showed symptoms of dehydration and weakness during rehearsals and was immediately taken to the hospital, where medical staff advised her to take plenty of rest and rest."
They continued, "We apologize for causing concern to fans with this sudden news. Our company prioritizes the health and safety of our artists and will continue to work hard to ensure their recovery.
On the 2nd, NINGNING appeared on "K-WAVE" at Inspire Arena in Yeongjongdo, Incheon.
NINGNING was unable to participate in the stage due to health reasons. Meanwhile, aespa, the group NINGNING is a member of, released their first full album, "Armage
They have released the album "ddon" and are currently active.
2024/06/03 10:35 KST
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