Dennis Ann (god) reveals his worries about whether he will be able to have children = ”Groom training”
Dennis Ahn, who has many hobbies, boldly organizes his motorcycle equipment and is determined to become the first groom.
A "Recent Men's Life - Groom Lessons" 117th episode, in which Dennis Ahn cleans his single house.
While exuding a refreshing charm, Dennis Ahn is also seen going out to meet a former roommate. On this day, Dennis Ahn has decided to give up his motorcycle among his many hobbies.
After that, he gathers his motorcycle equipment and lines it up in the living room. In relation to this, he said, "I'm crazy about motorcycles and I have three of them, but if I'm going to get married and become a groom, I should be a bit more mature.
"I have to sell all my motorcycle gear this time," he said. However, he quickly took out his motorcycle gear and put it back on, showing off his "air riding" skills.
After a while, he goes out, saying that he is going to meet a former roommate. After that, he goes into a select shop, meets his former roommate, and chats with her.
When the topic of marriage came up, Dennis Anne asked, "Will I be able to get married and have children someday?", indicating that she would like to get married before she turns 50.
After meeting with his roommate, he heads off again, saying, "I'm going to celebrate the birthday of someone three years younger than me." In particular, he even brought a bouquet of sky-blue flowers, and the studio mentors
The identity of the birthday hero is finally revealed, and the studio mentors are thrilled to see it. As interest in who they met grows, the two of them begin their "groom training" session.
As they talk about Ryu, the question comes up: "How many children do you want to have when you get married?" Dennis Ahn answers, "One son, one daughter?
I think it would be good to have two children," she said, laughing. Jang Young-ran responded, "I think you should think about women (before thinking about children)."
"You should meet your partner first..." he said, throwing out the facts and making Danny Ann dizzy. Who was the "certain person" who was dressed up nicely and handed over the bouquet, and who finished "Motorcycle Goods" this time?
The question of whether they can sort it all out will be answered on Channel A's "Groom Training" episode 117, which will be broadcast at 9:30 pm on the 5th.
2024/06/04 15:20 KST
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