”The trend regarding virtual currencies is changing in the US political world...If it gets attention, it will grow” - Bitwise CIO
According to South Korean media outlet News 1, Matt Hogan, chief investment officer (CIO) of Bitwise, a cryptocurrency asset management company, recently wrote in a company blog that "people are
"The market will grow even more if we recognize the changing atmosphere regarding cryptocurrencies in Washington," he said. "U.S. President Joe Biden has announced that he will take over crypto custody at financial companies.
The veto of a bipartisan joint resolution (HJ Res. 109) that would have nullified the accounting guidance for the GAAP (SAB 121) was a major step forward for the veto of the bill.
"This means that the position is shifting in favor of virtual currencies," he continued, adding, "It appears that most investors are not yet very interested in this kind of content."
If people are big-minded, we could see some of the $20 trillion (JPY3124 trillion) managed by US investment advisory firms flow into the market," he added.
2024/06/05 18:57 KST
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