<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”The Family” 3 EP3, Yi Zhongyu and Tang Fengwu rescue refugees from war zones = Synopsis / Spoilers
*This article contains spoilers and synopsis. Episode 3 of the Chinese TV series "Legend of the Family" follows Yi Zhongyu and Tang Fengwu as they rescue refugees from war zones.
The Yi family was discussing the hidden treasure in the garden of their mansion. Huang Yingru was the one who found the treasure, Yi Zhongyu.
Yi Zhongyu decided to distribute the assets equally and declared that he would use them to rebuild Xinghua. Meanwhile, the assets left by Yi Xinghua included a large amount of weapons.
Yi Zhongjie suggested handing these weapons over to the Communist Party, but was stopped by Huang Yingru, who was worried about Yi's personal safety.
The next day, Yi Zhongyu, who came to Nanshi District to get a list for refugee repatriation, encounters Tang Fengwu. As the two talk, they realize that
They realize that they have the same goal. So they hear about the secret plan that the International Red Cross is promoting. Yi Zhongyu and Tang Fengwu head to the front line. In a place where the explosions never stop.
Yi Zhongyu regretted coming, but decided that there was no turning back. Upon arriving at the war zone, Tang Fengwu got out of the car and began to negotiate with the Japanese. The Japanese were women and children.
They decided to release the refugees. Tang Fengwu asked Yi Zhongyu to get out of the car and checked the destroyed houses to see if there were any surviving refugees.
Although Tang Fengwu had said that he would not rescue the man, as soon as he saw the male refugee, he jumped into his car.
The Japanese soldiers witnessed the incident, but Tang Fengwu explained that he was a child and successfully rescued the refugees.
As Yi Zhongyu and Tang Fengwu left the war zone, the sound of explosions began to ring out again. This time,
This brought great emotion to Yi Zhongyu himself.
2024/06/09 20:15 KST
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