Is North Korea preparing to welcome Putin? ... ”Large structure” to be erected at Kim Il-sung Square
"A large structure has been captured on camera being installed at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea, in preparation for welcoming Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"The Voice of America (VOA) and other US government-affiliated international broadcasting stations are paying close attention to whether this is a move they are making," the outlet reported on the 12th.
"After analyzing satellite images taken the previous day, a large, previously unseen object was spotted next to the podium at Kim Il-sung Square," the North Korean news agency reported.
"Structures were also lined up near the Cabinet Secretariat building on the north side of the square and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the south side."
"In the past, when North Korea holds military parades or visits by high-ranking officials from China or Russia, it has been observed setting up structures in Kim Il-sung Square and mobilizing people to conduct training exercises," he added.
It is difficult to determine the purpose of the large structure from just the photos taken this time, but it is presumed that it was also set up for advance practice for a large-scale event.
After the Russia-North Korea summit held at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia's Far East in September last year, President Putin received a letter of intent from North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun.
Accepting an invitation to visit.
2024/06/12 17:02 KST
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